Transforming Business, Changing the World

A new global study of the world’s largest corporate sustainability network, the United Nations Global Compact, was recently released by DNV GL. IMPACT describes the contribution of the Global Compact in spreading sustainable business practices worldwide since it was launched in 2000.

IMPACT: Transforming Business, Changing the World (June 2015) is the most comprehensive assessment of the evolution of corporate sustainability available. The report maps how the sustainable business practices have spread worldwide in the past 15 years, and discusses key drivers and enablers affecting this change. Based on a survey of 1500 companies and in-depth interviews with more than 200 top executives and experts worldwide, the analysis offers unique insight into the changing expectations facing business today.

Key questions explored in the report are:

  • What was the status of corporate sustainability in 2000?
  • What are the changes we have seen in the past 15 years? What has caused the change?
  • What needs to happen in order to achieve the vision?

16 Findings and a Call to Action

We explore the role of the Global Compact in driving change by setting out 16 findings across three areas.
  1. Corporate practices: Is business becoming more sustainable?
  2. The corporate operating environment: Are key drivers, such as regulation, finance, and education, enabling sustainable business practices?
  3. Dominant worldviews: How has our thinking around the role and purpose of business changed?

Based on the findings, the report gives recommendations to business on how to meet the vision of the UN Global Compact.

NEXT Sustainable Business

Many world leaders contributed with insights to the report. In NEXT – Sustainable Business we present a selection of interviews, including with former Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr. Kofi Annan, Paul Polman CEO of Unilever and Remi Eriksen, CEO of DNV GL Group.

Want More Insight?

If you want a hard copy, contact us at Corporate Sustainability. The report and the analysis will be presented at different venues in the coming months. If your company or organisation is interested in a presentation, please contact us for more information.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The report shows a sea-change in corporate practices over the past 15 years. Business is taking more responsibility on environmental, social and governance issues, and investors and educators are becoming major catalysts for change. The report also concluded that the Global Compact has played a profound role in driving sustainability up the business agenda globally, and in changing perceptions and expectations on the role of business in society.

  • Ban Ki-moon ,
  • United Nations Secretary-General